Review: Scrum and XP from the Trenches

Cover of the Scrum and XP from the Trenches by Henrik Kniberg

Title: Scrum and XP from the Trenches

Author: Henrik Kniberg

Published: 2015 (2nd edition)

Available: free from the publisher

Henrik Kniberg published the original version of Scrum and XP from the Trenches in 2007 when Scrum was far less popular and commonplace than it is today. A detailed description of a full-fledged Scrum implementation was a great help for many organizations and Scrum Masters at the beginning of their journey. The second edition adds a significant improvement to the content in the form of annotations, mostly corrections and new ideas to the original text. The reader can learn about the nuts and bolts of Scrum through examples, for instance:

  • Creating and managing the product backlog,
  • Conducting sprint planning, calculating capacity, breaking down stories to tasks, etc.,
  • Monitoring the sprint using a Kanban board and burndown charts,
  • Performing a sprint review,
  • Conduction a retrospective,
  • Conducting Daily Scrums,
  • and many, many more…

Warning! This book exhibits examples of managerial bullying and induced peer pressure. This behaviour is inconsistent with agile values and with the corporate culture of most organizations. Respectful communication and conflict resolution are possible and desirable. One of the most popular books on this topic is the classic Leader Effectiveness Training from Dr Thomas Gordon.

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