Expert Scrum Master Practice Test

Expert Scrum Master Practice Test

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The Expert Scrum Master Practice Test is for agile experts – the Scrum Masters want to be. Unfortunately, the Scrum Guide does not provide answers to all Scrum-related questions.

The practical implementation of Scrum should include (optional, arbitrary, selected) agile techniques and practices, for instance, in managing the product backlog, monitoring sprint progress, and so on. These techniques and practices should be adjusted to Scrum and applied with care.

Besides, Scrum Masters are responsible for promoting Scrum and Agile in their organization. As experts, they should have a strong background in agile theory. This is what makes them capable of explaining the advantages of agile and the purpose of agile techniques and processes. Not surprisingly, the Scrum Guide focuses on Scrum and does not detail the foundations of agile software development.

Recommended reading: Agile Articles


Scrum Master Expert Practice Test

The number of questions is 20. There is no time limit. The passing score is 85. No sign-up required.

1 / 10

Velocity represents the amount of work a team delivers in a Sprint. E.g. if backlog items are estimated in story points, velocity is measured in StoryPoints/Sprint

Scenario: The organization is preparing for a show which is going to take place in 6 months. At this show, they want to demonstrate their best capabilities which include a unique piece of software. A Scrum Team is working on the solution, they deliver 80 story points per Sprint, on average. Their Minimum Viable Product (MVP) which they would like to use at the show, consists of a set of (not yet delivered) Product Backlog items with a sum of 450 story points. Will they make it?

2 / 10

At the backlog refinement meeting, a team identifies that a Product Backlog item is ambiguous, despite the user story is quite elaborate. Which popular agile technique should they consider using?

3 / 10

The Product Owner selected a high-priority defect for fixing in the upcoming Sprint. The developer who implemented the functionality is on annual leave. What should the team do?

4 / 10

True or false? Iterative development means that an increment is created by the end of every iteration.

5 / 10

When should we say that a backlog item is "Ready"?

6 / 10

Which statement is true about the user story?

7 / 10

What may the burndown chart represent? Select all (3) correct answers.

8 / 10

When should the team perform integration testing?

9 / 10

In Scrum, who is responsible for architectural design?

10 / 10

Scenario: There are two Scrum Teams in an organization. Team A has a velocity of 40, Team B has a velocity of 80. Which of the following statements is true about the comparison of the performance of the two teams?

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The average score is 76%


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