Distracting Scrum Practice Test

What is distracting Scrum practice test supposed to mean?!

While the questions are relatively simple, they are intentionally mixed with irrelevant content.

Let’s be honest, real-life scenarios also tend to include distractions.

Some of the PSM I exam questions also contain (much less apparent!) distractions.

So, better be prepared!


2020 is not the best year to have a round trip around the globe. But your Product Owner is ambitious and plans a round trip around the Sun. The Sprint ends when:

Your team is working on a holographic data visualization tool. It has a unique advantage since managers can finally look behind the numbers. The pillars of Scrum are:

It is COVID-19, so you are working from home. Your spouse is about to order groceries online. What are the attributes of the Product Backlog items?

Later Nobel Prize winner Eugene Wigner enrolled to highschool in 1915. His math teacher considered him the brightest ever student of the school, but only for a year. The management of your organization decided to set a velocity KPI for all Scrum teams. You strongly oppose this idea. Why?

The original version of BASIC was designed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz and released at Dartmouth College in 1964. If you are familiar with the basics of Scrum, you must have heard about the Scrum values. What are these?

Surprisingly, ancient Greek texts were written with full capital letters and no spaces. ΑΓΕΩΜΕΤΡΗΤΟΣΜΗΕΙΣΙΤΩ. Who is responsible to work with the organization to increase the transparency of the artifacts?

Tardigrades are the first known animal to survive after exposure to outer space. When does a Sprint normally begin?

A fire alarm disrupts Sprint Planning. This is not a drill. As a Scrum Master, what should you do?

It is dinner time. The meat is sizzling on the grill. How do we call those participants of the delivery process who are not part of the Scrum Team?

Traditional kefir is fermented at ambient temperatures, generally overnight. Is it compulsory to answer the question "what did I do yesterday that helped the Scrum Team meet the Sprint Goal?" at Daily Scrum?

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